Submitting manuscripts to publishers
Submitting manuscripts to publishers

Your work does not need to be double-spaced. In line with our privacy policy and the data we collect and keep, if we were to pass on a submission, your data will be securely deleted from our databases when a decision is made regarding your manuscript. If you decide to pass on my manuscript, do you keep my data? Our authors get a fixed amount per individual book sale, regardless of our own expenditure and regardless of how much we sell a book to a retailer.

submitting manuscripts to publishers

This is so our authors know exactly what they will receive per book sold, and not have to wait for the publisher to share their profit with the author after claiming back their own expenses. We pay our authors royalties, which are in-line with industry averages and are based on a books’ RRP not wholesale price, nor is it based on a publishers net profits. If you sign with us, you will not be an employee of SRL Publishing. All work submitted to us is considered for a traditional publishing contract This is where no costs are incurred by the author and the whole cost for producing, publishing, and marketing the work is covered by SRL Publishing. We never charge our authors to publish with us and we believe this should be industry standard. If we offer you a publishing contract there are no fees involved, only what we pay you. Do I have to pay any fees to publish with you? While we do work with some literary agencies, an agent is not required to submit your work to us direct submissions are very welcome. To give any potential SRL authors peace of mind, we include a clause in our contracts stating we shall not generate any material for our books, including cover designs, by using artificial intelligence. These include works that are written or co-written by AI. SRL Publishing believes firmly in the craft of storytelling, so we will not accept AI-generated submissions in any form. We’re currently not looking to publish poetry, self-help titles, anthologies, or faith-based books. SRL Publishing will not, under any circumstances, review or accept submissions with any of the following topics or elements: graphic or eroticised incest/rape necrophilia paedophilia bestiality erotica, fetishes or porn or anything that encourages violence, hate, or racism. As we receive numerous submissions each month, we cannot guarantee which titles will be selected for publication. While we review all submissions, please bear in mind not all work submitted can be accepted.

submitting manuscripts to publishers

We’re looking to work with authors who love stories as much as we do, and who are passionate about the art of storytelling.

submitting manuscripts to publishers

Whether it’s controversial, colourful, or childish, our editorial team will review all submissions received. As long as we like it enough to publish it. We will consider most genres, topics, or formats. We love stories – fiction or non-fiction.

Submitting manuscripts to publishers